Higher Ed & AI

I talk to a lot of institutions about AI – a lot about what it might look like in a few years, but more about what they need to put in place right now. There are a multitude of ways AI could provide positive impact on any number of issues you’re facing today but it’s important to consider the bread crumb trail of data when looking at those solutions.

  • Where is the model hosted?
  • Is it the vendor you’re buying from or a 3rd party service (ie: OpenAI, Google) providing the model?
  • Do you know their security and retention policies for the data that is sent to the model?
  • o they have the right to keep the data, train using it, is it possible someone else will someday get a generative Ai answer based on your inputs?
  • Is it possible that the data sent today influences answers tomorrow (IE: Context & RAG based answers) and if so, are there procedures in place for data you don’t want to be considered in the future?

There are more, but that’s a starting point. Does your institution have policy’s defined on how you handle possible AI use in existing applications? I’d love to hear about it.


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